APRICOTKISS sisaldab aprikoosiseemneõli,
kookosõli, kakaovõid ja marjavahasid -
need pakuvad kosutust ja sügavat niisutust kuivadele ja lõhenenud huultele. Rahustava koostise tõttu sobib ka tundlikule kasutajale.

Rediscover the allure of soft, supple lips with APRICOTKiss. Infused with apricot kernel oil, this lip balm offers deep hydration without the residue. Enriched with coconut oil, cacao butter, and berry wax, it’s the ultimate solution for dry, flaky lips. Specially formulated for even the most sensitive skin and lips, APRICOTKiss ensures that every application brings comfort and nourishment to your delicate pout.